A cookie is a small file containing a string of characters that is sent to your computer when you visit a website. When you visit the website again, the cookie allows that site to recognize your browser. Cookies may store user preferences and other information. You can reset your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. However, some website features or services may not function properly without cookies.
There are four kinds of cookies:
- Session cookies last only for the session. They are erased when the user closes the Web browser
- Persistent cookies remain even after the session is closed. They are stored on a user’s hard drive until they expire (persistent cookies are set with expiration dates) or until the user deletes the cookie. Persistent cookies are used to collect identifying information about the user, such as Web surfing behaviour or user preferences for a specific Web site
- First-party cookies belong to the site where you chose to go
- Third-party cookies are fetched from a site whose content is retrieved indirectly for example through an image tag.
The majority of browsers support them (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Netscape, Safari, etc.). However, users can set their browsers to decline cookies, or they can delete their cookies at will.
What are they used for?
The main purpose of cookies is to identify users and possibly prepare customized Web pages for them. For example, when a user enters a Web site using cookies, he may be asked to fill out a form providing such information as his name and interests. This information is packaged into a cookie and sent to his Web browser which stores it for later use. The next time he go to the same Web site, his browser will send the cookie to the Web server. The server can use this information to present the custom Web pages. So, for example, instead of seeing just a generic welcome page he might see a welcome page with your name on it. Common cookies which companies use are find info (Online Ordering Systems, Site Personalisation, Website Tracking).
How are they built?
A command line in the HTML of a document tells the browser to set a cookie of a certain name or value including:
NAME=VALUE; expires=DATE; path=PATH; domain=DOMAIN_NAME;
The server can include other name and value pairs.
A browser is only required to store up to 300 cookies overall and maintain only the last 20 from each domain. The maximum size of a cookie is 4K of disk space.
Cookies can be set or read by JavaScript or CGI scripts.
The two current versions of the cookie specification are Version 0 and 1. Version 0 has the broadest level of support among browsers, but with version 1 it is possible to create a list of key-value pairs as the values are stored by the cookie.
Good Internet etiquette dictates destroying cookies as soon as they are no longer needed.
A cookie is just a plain text file. It isn’t an application or even a script, so it can’t read files from the hard drive or actively communicate with a Web server. Other servers cannot access cookies if they did not set them.
It is important that EUROPA follows the Commission’s guidelines on privacy and data protection and reassures users that cookies are not being used in any intrusive way.
The use of cookies on EUROPA is therefore allowed only with certain restrictions :
- cookies can only be used without explicit permission if they are limited to the current session
- in the rare case where a cookie must be stored beyond the current session, explicit permission must be obtained, including an explanation of why it is necessary and the expiry period must not exceed one year. Furthermore the exact information which will be gathered must be listed and an assurance given that it will not be used for any purpose other than the one stated
- if refused, the cookie must not simply try again indefinitely, nor must access to the site be refused
Example of Europa sites that use cookies: EPSO.
Uporaba piškotkov na naši spletni strani
Pravna podlaga za obvestilo
Podlaga za obvestilo je spremenjeni Zakon o elektronskih komunikacijah (Uradni list št. 109/2012), ki je začel veljati v začetku leta 2013. Prinesel je nova pravila glede uporabe piškotkov in podobnih tehnologij za shranjevanje informacij ali dostop do informacij, shranjenih na računalniku ali mobilni napravi uporabnika.
Kaj so piškotki?
Piškotek je majhna datoteka, običajno vsebuje zaporedje črk in številk, ki se naloži na uporabnikov računalnik, ko ta obišče določeno spletno stran. Ob vsakem ponovnem obisku bo spletna stran pridobila podatek o naloženem piškotku in uporabnika prepoznala. Piškotki so pomembni za delovanje spletnih strani, da je uporabnikova izkušnja boljša.
Poleg funkcije izboljšanja uporabniške izkušnje je njihov namen različen. Piškotki se lahko uporabljajo tudi za analizo vedenja ali prepoznavanje uporabnikov. Zato ločimo različne vrste piškotkov.
Vrste piškotkov, ki jih uporabljamo na tej spletni strani
1. Nujno potrebni piškotki
Tovrstni piškotki omogočajo uporabo nujno potrebnih komponent za pravilno delovanje spletne strani. Brez teh piškotov servisi, ki jih želite uporabljati na tej spletni strani, ne bi delovali pravilno (npr. prijava, varnosti…).
2. Izkustveni piškotki
Tovrstni piškotki zbirajo podatke, kako se uporabniki vedejo na spletni strani z namenom izboljšanja izkustvene komponente spletne strani (npr. katere dele spletne strani obiskujejo najpogosteje…). Ti piškotki ne zbirajo informacij, preko katerih bi lahko identificirali uporabnika.
3. Funkcionalni piškotki
Tovrstni piškotki omogočajo spletni strani, da si zapomni nekatere vaše nastavitve in izbire (uporabniško ime, jezik, regijo…) in zagotavlja napredne, personalizirane funkcije. Tovrstni piškotki lahko omogočajo sledenje vašim akcijam na spletni strani.
4. Oglasni ali ciljani piškotki
Tovrstne piškotke najpogosteje uporabljajo oglaševalska in družabna omrežja (tretje strani) z namenom, da vam prikažejo bolj ciljane oglase, omejujejo ponavljanje oglasov ali merijo učinkovitost oglaševalskih akcij. Tovrstni piškotki lahko omogočajo sledenje vašim akcijam na spletu.
Prednosti piškotkov
Ob uporabi iste naprave in brskalnika so piškoti nadvse uporabni, saj si lahko na primer zapomnijo vaše nastavitve, pomagajo nam spremljati, kako uporabljate naše strani in naredijo prikazano vsebino bolj ustrezno vašim interesom in potrebam. Nobeni piškotki, ki jih uporabljamo na svojih spletnih mestih, ne zbirajo podatkov, s katerimi bi vas bilo mogoče osebno prepoznati.
Spodaj najdete preglednico, v kateri so navedeni glavni piškotki, ki se uporabljajo na naših spletnih mestih, s pojasnilom, čemu so namenjeni.
Google Analytics | _utma | Izkustveni piškotek | Pomagajo nam izboljšati vsebine na naših straneh, saj nam daje osnovne podatke o sledenju. Na primer, število obiskov, s katerega iskalnika ste prišli in ključne besede, ki ste jih uporabili. |
Google Analytics | _utmb | Izkustveni piškotek | |
Google Analytics | _utmc | Izkustveni piškotek | |
Google Analytics | _utmz | Izkustveni piškotek |
Nadzor piškotkov
Če želite spremeniti način, kako brskalnik uporablja piškotke, vključno z blokiranjem ali izbrisom piškotkov, lahko to storite s spreminjanjem nastavitev brskalnika.
Navodila za upravljanje s piškotki v brskalniku chrome
Navodila za upravljanje s piškotki v brskalniku firefox
Upravljalec piškotkov
Miran Ipavec
Smernice za uporabo piškotkov